Residents in New Street have spoken to me about the late night buskers using electronic loudspeakers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, trying to extract cash from those enjoying the night time economy in Devonshire Terrace, Bishopsgate and Liverpool Street.
Having spoken with both City of London Police and City of London Corporation Environmental Health teams, we have explored the various legal powers which can be used to tactically address the problem with an immediate dispersal to allow residents to get some sleep and to apply long-terms orders if they continue to return and cause a nuisance. This will include Community Protection Written Warnings, followed by Community Protection Notices. If people fail to adhere to the conditions, they are liable for arrest.
Operation Unify will ensure City Police Officers patrol the area around Bishopsgate to help control the noise from the night time economy and implement busker/loudspeaker engagement to make Bishopsgate/Liverpool Street a less inviting venue. They will also be joined by the Environment Health team periodically to ensure a comprehensive and joined-up approach.