Parliament is Prorogued – the General Election Campaign Begins

At 10am sharp this morning, the Common Cryer of the City of London read out the Royal Proclamation dissolving Parliament and the summoning of a new Parliament, from the steps of the Royal Exchange.

You can watch the proclamation here:

If you are a resident in the City of London and wish to know more about the General Election, please click here.

Responding to the General Election, Chris Hayward, Policy Chairman of the City of London Corporation, said:

“Credible plans for unlocking economic growth must be at the forefront for the next government. As the largest contributor to the UK economy, ensuring the competitiveness of our financial and professional services sector will be crucial in delivering on these aims.

“As noted in our landmark Vision for Economic Growth report, raising investment levels, championing high-growth firms, and driving the net zero transition forward are what will create jobs, fund our vital public services and ultimately make us a more prosperous country for all.

“The City of London Corporation looks forward to continuing to lead the way, delivering our complex convening role on behalf of the sector to provide solutions to the challenges the country faces and ensure the FPS sector delivers growth for the UK.”

Read the full report here:

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