Bishopsgate: 2 Finsbury Avenue Update

I am reliably informed by the British Land team at Broadgate that groundworks at 2 Finsbury Avenue are moving full steam ahead, and it won’t be long before their slipform rig begins its ascent on the east tower.

Here are some photographs from the latest site visit, highlighting the scale of the project, from excavating the TC2 cofferdam to collaborating with the Austrian manufacturers Gleitbau Salzburg.

Robert McAlpine are leading the build for British Land to deliver the 36-storey tower, designed by Danish practice 3XN.  The design is split into a 21-storey West office tower and 36-storey East office tower.

McAlpine is expected to finish this £500m project in 2027.

The developer has let 252,000 sq ft of space at “record-breaking rents” to finance firm Citadel Securities with British Land saying that offers on all space in the Square Mile are at their highest level since 2000. Citadel, which signed up last month, has the option to take a further 128,000 sq ft of space.

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