Epping Forest Calendar 2025 – Photography Competition

As some of you know, local volunteer and keen photographer, Don Taylor pulled together a wonder calendar populated with photographs of Epping Forest last year to raised money for local charities which support the Forest.

This year he has kindly agreed to help create another calendar for 2025 to raise money for the Epping Forest charity responsible for managing the Forest, the Swan Sanctuary which supports much of our wildlife in the south of the Forest and the Epping Forest Heritage Trust which is supporting lots of volunteer and engagement activity across the Forest.

Don is asking members of the public to share their best images with him for possible inclusion. The judging panel will be looking at photos to reflect the Forest across each stage of its annual cycle through the year, but you can include wildlife, landscapes, habitats, buildings…whatever is special to you in Epping Forest.

Don has asked that all entries are emailed to him in the highest possible resolution, with a title for each image and the location at which they were taken. Entries must be sent by email to taylordong265@gmail.com by 1st July 2024.

Last year 500 calendars were sold raising over £3,000. This year, we will stock the calendars in each of our visitor centres and hope to sell considerably more.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your creative output!

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