Epping Forest: High Beach Visitor Centre Celebrates 10th Anniversary being run by Volunteers

Today, I was delighted to join some of the Epping Forest Heritage Trust’s volunteers at the City of London Corporation’s High Beach Visitor Centre in Epping Forest.

As a charity, we have two key visitor centres, located at Chingford and High Beach, but we also have public access points at The Warren in Loughton and The Temple in Wanstead Park.

10 years ago, the Friends of Epping Forest (now known as the Epping Forest Heritage Trust) brokered a deal with the Conservators of Epping Forest for their volunteers to help run the High Beach Visitor Centre. It was a partnership which has proved to be a resounding success thanks to the generosity of so many loyal volunteers.

I was pleased to be able to thank some of the volunteers personally for their efforts. The reality of their roles are as ambassadors for the Forest, helping people to understand why the Forest is so special and how they can help us protect it. Helping to explain the range of sports and recreation opportunities. Helping to improve accessibility for those who need to understand which areas of the Forest as suited to their mobility needs and helping to explain some of the rich history that Epping Forest is decorated with.

The Chair of the Heritage Trust, who was the driving force behind volunteers supporting this visitor centre, Judith Adams, spoke about her experiences which were shared with several individuals in the room who has served the full 10 years as volunteers. She explained that since 2014, over 145,000 visitors have come through the doors and volunteers have given a remarkable 20,000 hours of their time.

I was also delighted to be accompanied by the new Superintendent of Epping Forest, Jacqueline Eggleston, who spent time chatting to volunteers about the work she is doing and the progress being made towards our shared strategic objectives.

I was also pleased to be able to dig a photograph from the 5th anniversary celebration in 2019 with then Epping Forest MP, Dame Eleanor Laing, and the Chairmen and Mayors of local Councils.

I highly recommend the Visitor Centres to anyone who hasn’t yet visited. They are filled with lots of very useful information and a number of kind and friendly individuals who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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