Bishopsgate: Jubilee Garden Redesign Update – August 2024

As readers will have noted from my previous post,  the City of London Corporation is investing £680,000 in a project to improve Jubilee Gardens on Houndsditch (next to Devonshire Square).

Works include relandscaping the gardens to create a more open, inviting, useable, green space that is more vibrant and environmentally resilient. New trees will be planted with new planting and seating opportunities.

Access from Houndsditch will be reinstated with an additional entry point created at Barbon Alley.

Following a short delay to the programme, due to unknown structural constraints related to adjacent UKPN infra-structure, it was necessary to effect a partial redesign to adapt to the new site conditions. I am now pleased to report that having agreed a way forward there has been significant progress on site.

Paving works are now underway to the east of the site and are expected to be completed by September 2024. Other recent works include installing the first phase of the new perimeter railings that frame the new garden. A course of waterproofing and the planting crate system have also been installed ahead of the City Gardens planting programme to commence in November 2024.

The main works are expected to be completed by the end of 2024. Jubilee Gardens will be closed for the entire duration of works.

I know many local residents and workers are keen to see this refreshed garden open. Below is a reminder of the proposed design of the completed site.

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