If you are a community organisation, operating in the City of London, then we want to hear from you!
Applications are now open to the Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund, providing grants to local communities for neighbourhood development.
The City of London Corporation make one-off grants and multi-year grants to organisations for up to a maximum of five years for activity that takes place within the Square Mile and directly benefits those living and working within the City including:
- Revenue expenditure and activities including events, workshops, celebrations, projects or anything else that addresses the impact of development on the neighbourhood.
- Equipment, other capital items and digital services.
- Access Audit undertaken by an auditor on the National Register of Access Consultants (NRAC)(external link) prior to a subsequent application for infrastructure improvements.
- Infrastructure projects including the construction, refurbishment, repair, restoration, repurposing, expansion or fit out of new or existing buildings or open space; lighting; public art; street furniture or other physical improvement that enhances the neighbourhood for the benefit of City of London communities.
- Reasonable on-going maintenance costs of funded infrastructure improvements for up to a maximum of three years from the completion of the infrastructure.
The minimum grant for projects or infrastructure that an organisation can apply for is £10,000 and the maximum grant is £500,000. To avoid creating long term commitments on the CIL Neighbourhood Fund, any requests for revenue funding should be clearly justified, showing demonstrable community benefit, and time limited to a maximum of 5 years. There is no minimum grant for an access audit.
Online applications can be submitted at any time, there are no deadlines. Organisations seeking continuation funding of an existing grant funded project should talk to their Funding Manager for permission to submit an application. A continuation grant cannot be released until the original grant requirements have been successfully delivered.
You can review all the details here or talk to the City’s Central Funding and Charity Management Team at grants@cityoflondon.gov.uk